head injury

Head Injury and Suicide

A large Danish population study which looked at more than 100,000 hospital admissions for head injury for over a decade and examined the causes of death, found this: You are four times more likely to kill yourself after you’ve suffered bruising or bleeding to the brain. You are three times more likely after concussion. You […]

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The government is digging a deeper and deeper hole each year. How long before it topples in?

Yesterday I wrote to our MP, Chris Philp, as follows: May I ask what plans the government has made to meet the ever-increasing cost to the state of undiagnosed hypopituitarism patients? Now that NICE has at last undertaken to include the risk of post-traumatic hypopituitarism in its head injury guidance update in March, it seems

The government is digging a deeper and deeper hole each year. How long before it topples in? Read More »